
Hello, and welcome! My name is Anah Salvacion, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as an entrepreneurial and forward-thinking entry-level web developer eager to make my mark in the industry. I believe in being bold, surprising, and visionary in creating efficient, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing websites and applications that go beyond the basic standards.

My journey towards web development began in college, where I studied computer science and discovered my passion in coding. I was captivated by the way a few lines of code could create a fully functional website or application. During my senior year, I served as the team leader and programmer for my thesis group, where we developed a project using visual basic 6, javascript, and photo editing. Additionally, students from lower years approached me to do their assignments and projects in these languages.

After graduation, I pursued several career paths in Sales, Customer Service, Admin, Computer Technician, Support Staff, and Office Management. However, I always felt the urge to return to my passion for coding and decided to transition to a career in web development. I started by taking online courses to refresh my knowledge and to learn more about web development.

I believe my experiences in various fields will give me an advantage in web development. As a salesperson, I honed my communication and customer service skills, which are essential when working with clients and understanding their needs. 

In my administrative roles, I learned how to effectively manage my time and prioritize tasks, which has been crucial in meeting project deadlines. And as a computer technician and support staff, I gained experience in problem-solving, which is a crucial skill in troubleshooting and debugging code.


As an entry-level web developer, I am excited to apply my technical expertise and problem-solving skills to create forward-thinking and surprising solutions that exceed client expectations. I’m open to taking on new challenges and projects that will enable me to learn and grow in my career as a visionary web developer.

Thank you for getting to know me. I’m excited to explore web development opportunities and meet new people.